Tuesday, June 22

21th BIRTHDAY WEEKEND SPLASH EXTravaGANZA!!!! BlowOut Happiness Joy Fun Cool

this weekend....some poor smuck of a jew celebrated his 21th birthday at a place where the bodies are heavenly and I have to say...that was a sure treat. Especially the fact that birthday fag boy got about 9 dances (1 horrific one and 8 nice ones) and all the alcohol he can drink. So what made this day good for Tomiya? I mean, it seems like Cunt-wad was getting all the fun. Well....this is where I explain....Barbie Girl. See Barbie girl is probably the culmination of everything you ever wanted in a girl. She's HOt....She's Hot...and She's got boobies...that are hot. People don't understand how many fucking times I can't go with my friends to Hb's and hear all the stories about how Barbie Girl enhances their life. Seriously....this isn't some ordinary girl...this is the type of girl that makes you look ar yourself in the mirror say...."I need to change my life and find a way to have this women". Ladies and Gentlemen...She's that hot. So Of course Im going to get a dance from her and it was 15 bucks well spent. Oh and then there this polish chick and my god.....the things she can do. I mean it's not like she's doing something different, but my god.....that is all.

This weekend then kicks off with Gambling. YES, If you are feeling down and need a pick me up....you go gambling. I play Craps and bringing only 20 bucks...I think I did pretty good for myself. But my gambling story doesn't even come close to the 3 other people who came with me on my gambling adventure:

1) Kev......

Kev gets hot and makes a ton of money and then makes Crazy bets and I mean Crazy bets and loses it all. But...it wasn't too bad since he started with 20 bucks. (high moment: 190 bucks) (low point: 0)

2) Eric......

Eric comes in with 40 bucks gets on the same role as makes about 100 bucks...pays the pass line and puts money on 6 and 9, but the table gets cold fast, but his agressiveness didn't die down, but in the end....loses it all. (high moment: +100) (low point: 0...maybe even NEGATIVE)

3) Al.......

Al comes with 20 bucks....makes a killing....about 100 plus. Goes through ups and downs, before he was going to cash out..he was at about 30 bucks or so.....takes that amount and puts it on the pass line. Of course Im like...HOLY SHIT...What da fuck are you doing? ...Here comes the roll.............SEVEN!!!!
makes 30 bucks. Keeps his bet there....Second roll...........SEVEN!!! Keeps his bet there ..........Third Roll............OH MY FUCKING GOD...SEVEN. Keeps his bet there.......WHAT DA FUCK IS GOING ON....SEVEN!!!!! Makes 120 fucking dollars. Cashes out. Talk about Fucking Balls!!! High point (120 bucks) Low point: (15 bucks)

Me...I made 70 bucks......Tomiya 1 ...casino 0 (high moment: 100) (low point: Yo mama)


At 10:37 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

you better believe in the power of the poles! 2k4glory! oi!


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