Monday, June 7

Busy Busy Busy

Hey sorry about not updating the site in the past day. These couple of days have been a hard for me to update and site and do other things. Not to mention I was pissed off last night about the fact that I was scheduled to work and there was a conflict in the schedule and I didnt work. I hate it when I'm scheduled to do something and things don't go your way. It's the most annoying feeling the world and I needed to work that day because I kinda needed the money. Also after I found out I couldn't work....someone said the dumbest thing to me and I just out of anger, I couldn't write because I would of said what's on my mind and bad things could happen.

And Al.......I know you are the one putting those comments on my site you damn trailor trash white boy of a friend. You are gay! You are gayer than gay. You makes those midgets on this page look cool. So Die! I hope you die from a pool of African Killer Ants. And by the way.....your blows. Ok...Bye bye VOYTEK!!!!!!!! Good luck in your challenge....HOPE YOU DIE OF OVER EATING. HAHAHAAHAHAHA YA DAMN JEW


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