Friday, June 4

I am at work......GOD HELP ME!!!!!!!

I'm at work right now and it's a strange time to be at work. Normally work is fine, even though from time to time I am overly frustrated and annoyed with the people I encounter at work (I mean the customers), but nothing too bad. What's really bothering me at work is that one of my managers is in one of the room trying to get her damn network setting off and running on her laptop. So I can't bust out my Laptop and do my own stuff. First off, I offered to fix the damn thing another time and I would give her my pc card I used to use when I had this Shitty laptop. But she's still trying to get it to work by herself and it's taking her like 80 hours because she's doing the whole thing by dial up. What is up with that? That is MEGA GAY! I should of just done it for her in like 10 seconds. thats is why I can't update my site with normal weird stuff or with stuff about hot chicks.

Oh's going to be Al's birthday on Monday or Tuesday? I don't know...that damn jew can't make up this damn mind. But anywayz...He turns 21 that means he is legally allowed to drink. What does that mean? It means he's going to get a taste of "HOT BITCH" Oh yeah I can't wait...I need to sneak a video camera in to the place so I can broadcast "hot bitch" to the world. Oh ...if you are curious who this "hot bitch" is......imagine a dog....with a wig on. That's "hot bitch". Well....actually "hot bitch" is this 45 year old asian dancer who thinks she's the hottest women in the world when actually she makes everyone barf and she thinks that arm pits are a big turn on for of my buddies experience an arm pit greeting....LOL!!! can't explain how that must felt. I guess it's just the demographic...maybe some guys are into that. As for me?...Im into that Next door nikki girl. Seriously...can you find a hotter chick? The fact that she looks like your next door neighbor is what makes her hot because then the reality of you actually boning a normal person like that sinks it.

I think one guy quote something really funny about next door nikki: "If I was a tenacle monster, I would fuck her in every orface at the same time"

I think this quote just sums up how hot she really is or how really fucked up the quote is, but when I read it...I was on the ground laughing. But, we are getting away from the subject at hand. I am DAMN work and I can't talk to my friends online or do other things. Im stuck on this damn Work computer which blows chunks and is slow as hell. What a waste of time. What the hell am I going to do for 8 hours? Work?.....I work at know how many customers I 5. Well....Im out!

Oh Btw....if you guys have any ideas or suggestions to tomiya adventures. Email them to tomiya_adventures Or if you want to send in a Hot Chick pic for that Babe Challenge go right ahead. I did tell you that whoever gets a better picture than the other posted as best will recieve a prize....NO JOKE....its a mystery special super that should get your heart pumping.




At 11:17 PM, Blogger Tomlee45 said... still have a curfew! Don't talk ever!!!!!!


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