Thursday, June 30

OMG! Fourth Of July Birthday Party Weekend.

Normally who cares that a weekend is coming up..............but HELLO!!!!!!!!!!!!! its my god damn freaking birthday. Its not like I have much to celebrate, but anyhoo I should celebrate it alittle bit right. Im alive aren't I? I think it would be wise for me to just get completely hammered for about 3 days straight. No work. Just play. Maybe...just maybe alittle bit of women in between. :)

Because it will be my birthday...I will give you a warm birthday......FUCK OFF!!!!!! Thats right. For 24 hours I am king! Boobs and asses will be on the floor for me to walk on. I will have girls do all kinds of naughty naughty naughty things because they like it . . . and because I am the ruler of their fur-burgers! ... hahaha J/k ;)

Anyways...everyone have a good weekend and party till you puke your organs out!!!


At 7:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

oops...forgot to tell you it's grace. haha


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